Sunday, September 15, 2024

Lyrics of "gange jaya tunga" Song

గఙ్గే - జయ తుఙ్గతరఙ్గే

1. కమల భవాణ్డ కరణ్డ పవిత్రే

బహువిధ బన్ధ చ్ఛేద లవిత్రే || జయ||

2. దూరీకృత జన పాప సమూహే

పూరిత కచ్ఛప గుచ్ఛ గ్రాహే|| జయ||

3. పరమహంస గురు భణిత చరిత్రే

బ్రహ్మవిష్ణుశఙ్కర నుతిపాత్రే|| జయ||

రాగం: సురటి    తాళం: ఆది 

ga~mgae - jaya tu~mgatara~mgae

1. kamala bhavaaNDa karaNDa pavitrae
bahuvidha bandha chChaeda lavitrae || jaya||
2. dooreekRta jana paapa samoohae
poorita kachChapa guchCha graahae|| jaya||
3. paramahaMsa guru bhaNita charitrae
brahmavishNuSa~mkara nutipaatrae|| jaya||
गाङ्गे - जय तुङ्ग तरङ्गे 

कमल भवाण्ड करण्ड पवित्रे 

बहु विध बन्ध च्छेद लवित्रे 

दूरीक्रुत पाप समूहे 

पूरित कच्छप गुच्छ ग्राहे 

परमहंस भणित चरित्रे 

ब्रह्मा विष्णु शंकर नुत पात्रे 

lavitre = sickle

This is a marvelous song on the sacred river Ganges. It describes the holy river in all its glory. Ganges is revered and held in high esteem in the hearts of many. Great civilizations sprouted on the banks of rivers - as water is essential for all living entities man, animal, and plants. Hindus right from little children to the elderly call the river lovingly as "Ganga mai". In Kasi it is a routine to take fresh flowers, turmeric, sindoor, and few coins and offer them to the river. Earlier the flowers and turmeric used to get quickly washed away by the rapid currents of full throated river. And thus no serious pollution would mar the sweet waters of Ganga. Now daily a mechanical skimmer collects all the flowers. 

The Ganges like Niagara Falls needs plenty of snow, rain from above (the skies) to keep it flowing. The Ganges is also a perennial river. In summer the melting snow from Himalayas keeps the river in full spate. In the first stanza, the poet speaks about the origins of Ganga. It started from the holy pitcher of Brahma (the Creator). The river waters are so powerful that they can cut through all the "bindings" (or Karmic entanglements) - all such knotty ropes are cut with a sharp sickle like water wave. One can write volumes about the Ganges or Niagara Falls; but to get a real feel about such marvelous natural bounties one must visit and touch the water. And one has to absorb the enormity of  life giving pure water. Without water (for that matter all the five primal elements like water, air, earth, fire, and sky) life cannot survive on this planet. Many historical famous personalities had (still have) close association with this river - like Trilinga Swamy, Jagannatha Pandita Rayalu, Uma Charan, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Tulasi Das, Dikshitar, and many others. 

"You put away or discard all the accumulated sins of people. Yet you hold the groups of 'turtles' like a flower bouquet." Here the turtle may also refer to Vishnu's avatar (కూర్మా వతారము).   

"Your stories and history is aptly uttered (narrated) by (my) Guru Parama (hamsa) Sivendra. Even the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu, and Sankara praise you; certainly you deserve the praise of Trimurti." Here is a link to the rendition by Dr. Balamuralikrishna in his unique vibrant voice: Tunga tarange by Dr. Balamurali  Copyright 2024 by the author.

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