Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Digestion Problems

Digestion Problems


Once our tuition master's son suffered from it. He was barely six years old. Being the youngest male child, he got pampered by everyone in the family. Whatever he asked he got, without any resistance and it led to bad eating habits. His breakfast was a warm steaming south Indian tiffin, upma covered with cashews and oil. During day he ate probably a bit of white polished rice, with yogurt. But devoid of any essential vegetables and fruits in diet, he soon developed a case of severe constitutional irregularity. Temporarily he was treated with a spoon of milk of magnesia by the neighborhood physician, Dr. T. R. Krishna. All pediatricians advise parents to feed children with foods containing sufficient fiber - but this advice is often ignored, leading to unnecessary complications. Fiber, however unattractive it may be, acts like a Roto-Rooter for digestive system. It keeps entire body healthy, in tune. If a nature's call cannot be accomplished effortlessly within five to ten minutes, then obviously some thing is wrong. That is, the body is telling some thing important. In early stages, this discomfort, is bearable, but neglected for days, weeks, it could lead to serious problems. The ensuing complications can be very severe, it can lead to unnecessary, often avoidable surgeries. For some it could lead to backache, joint pains, or general lethargy. Others suffer silently for years with this curable disease - often due to negligence, stubbornness, and at times due to bad professional advice. Lack of financial resources can aggravate the problem; but a little common sense and scientific understanding can yield excellent results. One need not unnecessarily lose peace of mind in these matters.


In extreme cases, surgery is the only option. Very delicate surgeries for this ailment are performed in outpatient setting by some traditional (Ayurvedic, herbal) healers also. This may be surprising to many city dwellers in this age, but such surgeries in a home setting were done in recent past, probably they happen even today. With good outcomes too. But in most cases, if this disease is detected and treated early, the scalpel option can be avoided. As in the case of sleep, good hygiene and habits are important. That means, attending to nature's call at the first urge. A relaxed, focused attempt, at perhaps one of the most essential bodily functions is required. Physicians advise to avoid excessive stress during the act, the advice should be strictly adhered to. Through habit and gentle training, this routine act can be scheduled early in the morning before the busy working day starts. Getting up half an hour earlier will solve scheduling problem. Most pharmacies carry a soothing emollient. Generic products are quite inexpensive, basically they all contain an anti-inflammatory ingredient in a paraffin base. There are several over the counter remedies both in Ayurveda and Unani systems. Such ointments are for relieving acute pain – but they do not cure or mitigate underlying symptoms. The fine husk of isabagol is available in India as Naturolax; in US, it is available under brand names like Metamucil. It should be taken with sufficient amount of water. As a general rule, it is advisable to keep the body away from any rigid habit forming tendencies (excessive dependence on laxatives, sunamukhi etc.). Ideally, proper diet and simple daily exercise (physical activity) should be enough. In earlier days (particularly in India), some doctors used to prescribe a range of laxatives (castor oil, Epsom salt, milk of magnesia, Ayurvedic pills, etc.) at the slightest sign of problem or before rainy season. Though such laxatives are useful as last-resort remedies, it is always preferable to keep away from them. Often people get addicted to laxatives and soon they cannot do without them. Stomach, particularly intestine system is a very delicate mechanism. It is always better to understand body’s moods and temperament and heed its subtle signals. A genetic predisposition to this disease exists, of course, but that does not exempt an individual from healthy food habits.


Sufficient fresh fruits and vegetables will promptly relieve the symptoms. One need not always buy the most expensive fruit or vegetable (this means modifying ones tastes, habits a little). Usually, shifting to vegetable soups, orange juice (freshly made is better, otherwise choose a variety with a little bit of pulp), prune juice - for three meals, will alleviate the problem. Cut down on solid food, avoid oatmeal, pizza, and heavy diary products (cheese, ghee) for awhile. Low fat yogurt and buttermilk are beneficial. But patience, lots of it, is required. In most US states fresh apples are found through out year. An apple a day - it is really good for constitution and keeping teeth (and gums) healthy. This is the most inexpensive solution. In north India, during winter months apples are abundant, they are within the reach of most people. What to do during other months? Guava is one fruit, particularly the semi-ripened ones, which has fiber. Sweet corn is also good, if one can tolerate it. Papaya (in moderation) is very helpful for stomach. In south India, rice bran is easy to get. Rice bran (coarse or fine) with other ingredients (onions, green pepper, buttermilk, gram flour) can be made into pan cakes. It gives valuable fiber, vitamin B, and other nutrients. Carrots, cucumber, radish, cabbage, green leaves, drumstick leaves, and coconut - these are some possible options. In north India, dals (split or whole) are often cooked with the covering (husk). Such dishes provide rich protein with fiber. Salad or south Indian chutney (coriander, mint, gongura, etc.) dishes provide valuable fiber. When it comes to food, unfortunately one is faced with many issues: old diehard habits, individual tastes, preferences, idiosyncratic tolerances. That is why, though this disease is mostly curable (or manageable), even very competent doctors find it difficult to handle. Because, the patient has to cooperate also, (s)he has to diligently follow the prescribed guidelines. And for life long, you have to stick to it with discipline, you don’t have to be hundred percent perfect in practice, certainly you can have occasional minor deviations. But be watchful, fully alert every day. The rewards are plenty - happiness, good health, and no irritation, no hot tempers.


Anything will do. Long walk is the easiest thing one can do. No fancy equipment, no need for expensive dresses. Even doing twenty or fifty sit-ups helps. In mild discomforts or in early stages of irregularity, even simple things like adding sufficient fluids (water, buttermilk) and exercise, will normally bring back the system to its own natural rhythm. Good regular night time sleep also helps a lot. Not only it provides bodily rest, mental relaxation, it offers a well needed rest for digestive system. Stomach gets ample time to cope with extra burdens of difficult to digest food: diary products, protein, heavy fats, and oils.

In most acute cases, liberal intake of fruits, vegetables, and a deliberate ingestion of fiber (carrots, chick peas, lentils, sprouts, lettuce, wheat germ, bran) solves the problem. A cup of prune juice daily for a week also sets the digestive clock into regular motion. Or, you can soak dry dates (just two) in water, leave them for overnight, and take (chew) the dates and water early in morning. Often for no apparent reason, the flared venous parts (they are harmless, yet essential parts of a system) subside, shrink, and everything becomes healthy. There is no need for unnecessary panic. But this malady can, if untreated, wreck life. In extreme cases, people end up in ugly situations needing costly (unless you can access a good Ayurvedic/traditional healer) surgery. And it can lead to further complications like incontinence. No body wants it, so watch carefully, watch what you eat. Do not treat it with disrespect, do not indulge excessively to taste - it is a nasty enemy (no pun intended!), often seeks retribution. Sad to say, this writer has come across several individuals who bore its scars as chronic sufferers. Even mahatmas are not exempt from these troubles. Exception Balayogi, the saint.

As in an earlier post, the reader is referred to B.K.S. Iyengar’s book for guidance. Ideally, asanas should be performed on empty stomach. Sirsha-asana, Sarvanga-asana, Simha-asana, Dhanur-asana – if practiced continuously for months, they will bring back natural rhythm and regularity of digestive system. Also, Mula-bandha and Asvini Mudra are very beneficial for chronic sufferers. Some guidance may be needed for ‘Mudra’.

In yoga, the beginner has to start from the easiest asana first and increase duration, complexity very slowly. Strictly follow guidelines prescribed by the great teachers. In India, there are comprehensive books on Yoga, written in a number of regional languages. Before embarking on asanas, the aspirant (patient) should read such books several times and proceed gently with caution.

Yoga (I mean asana here) does yield excellent results – but it takes time. Faith may be anathema for the (pseudo) rationalist; but one must have genuine faith in ones physician, medicine, or yoga to derive any meaningful benefits. May take a week, two days, or several weeks, it all depends on how acute, chronic the disease is. Depends on how badly body has been abused! There is no immediate solution (meaning within two three hours) for this obdurate illness. There is no easy (affordable) remedy even in modern medicine. If western medicine has found a golden cure, then why there are whole shelves full of laxatives, antacids, etc.? Like all illnesses, here too body and mind are intertwined. The patient must be on his guard for quick easy cures, if anyone promises an easy way out, do not fall for it.

Job stress, exam preparations, irregular meals, bad sleeping habits, psychological problems, they all slowly put pressure on body - leading to irritable health problems. Luckily some are eminently treatable.

(As a tribute to all compassionate traditional healers, particularly of India)


pattri said...

This was written as part of health awareness. Ideally the individual should be able to maintain good health without too much dependence on doctors and medicines; then he can concentrate on other important things and creative pursuits in life. For the sincere aspirant also, a strong body is essential. Resolute faith in old (timeless) traditions, hygiene, good food, and infinite patience are very valuable in maintaining steady good health. Often a kind guru comes to the rescue of the unfortunate disciple (ex: Sri Ganapathi muni).

Okra vegetable seems to have beneficial effect on the digestion. I often wonder about the indigent person - here in the Northeast or there in remote parts of India. Perhaps a little fiber from the green leaves (amaranthus) or banana peel may come in handy as inexpensive home remedy, when resources are limited.

pattri said...

I forgot one very important vegetable with good fiber, the గోరు చిక్కుడు (gavar phalli, gaur bean, cluster bean, the source of gaur gum). In India this simple bean is abundantly available in the season and some farmers have become rich growing this bean. It is used in many food preparations (including ice cream, etc.) and it has many industrial uses. When the oil price was sky high, this bean became prominent due to its lubricating properties (for fracking). Here, there are quite a few green vegetables like mustard green, Swiss chard, and spinach. Such greens are a good source of iron.

LyfeVibe said...

Very Very Informative Blog..!!! Keep Writing and Sharing The Amazing Content

EzDigest Reviews

pattri said...

Thank you for the comment. Thanks for visiting this site.